Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dental Economics 101

I love good value.  Who doesn’t, especially in this time of economic fragility?  In fact, just this week, while noticing that my skiing equipment seemed a little outdated, I demo’d and priced out new equipment.   Now I know I want to update, but it’s going to be expensive.  This year, I decided to just get a tune-up, and start saving now for new gear next year.
This can work for dental care, too.  Most non-emergency type dental work can be staged to fit a person’s budget.  Also, as in many other aspects of our modern lives, preventive maintenance can help contain costs.
Here is my Top Ten List for getting value (and saving money) at the dentist’s office

1.       Check to see if your dentist provides discounts.  We offer a senior discount, and a “pay-in-full-at-time-of-treatment” discount.  You might also be able to get a discount if you agree to schedule your appointment as a last-minute fill-in for somebody else who canceled.

2.       Ask your dentist or hygienist if you might be able to schedule your cleanings annually instead of semiannually.  We have patients whose oral hygiene is consistently excellent, so they just come in for an exam every six months and save the cost of one cleaning (but be careful – some insurance plans require 2 cleanings a year to keep benefits at their highest level.)

3.       Take care of your body and don’t abuse drugs.  Diabetics have a higher rate of periodontal disease, as do alcoholics and regular marijuana smokers.

4.       Use your dental insurance – it’s free money.  Ask your HR person at work or your dental office insurance specialist for help with the details.

5.       Protect your teeth against night-time grinding with an occlusal guard, and against injury with a sports guard.

6.       Use an oral irrigator to help clean between your teeth and under your gums.  The old-fashioned Waterpik™ your parents used has been updated and improved to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Any brand will do.

7.       Eat less sugar and strengthen your teeth with prescription strength topical fluoride or Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP).  Sugar feeds the acid-producing bacteria that cause the holes, fluoride strengthens the surface of the tooth to resist holes and ACP rebuilds tooth lost to acid attacks. Anyone can get cavities; everyone can prevent them.

8.       Don’t smoke.  Smokers have higher rates of oral cancer and periodontal disease.

9.       Get regular dental exams .  Your dentist can detect problems early, while treatments are easier and less expensive.

And, the top way to save money at the dental office…

10.   Brush and floss gently but thoroughly, every day.  No need to explain this one, right?

Keep Smiling!